Chiefs of Ontario supports all First Nations in Ontario as they assert their sovereignty, jurisdiction, and their chosen expression of nationhood.

Guided by the Chiefs-in-Assembly, we uphold self-determination efforts of the Anishinaabek, Mushkegowuk, Onkwehonwe, and Lenape Peoples in protecting and exercising their inherent and Treaty rights. Keeping in mind the wisdom of our Elders, and the future for our youth, we continue to create the path forward in building our Nations as strong, healthy Peoples respectful of ourselves, each other, and all creation. The activities of the Chiefs of Ontario are mandated through and guided by:

  • Resolutions passed by the Chiefs in Assembly of the 133 First Nations in Ontario.
  • The Leadership Council (formerly known as the Political Confederacy) made up of the Grand Chiefs of Political Territorial Organizations (PTOs) and Independent First Nations.
  • The elected Regional Chief for the Chiefs of Ontario.

Chiefs of Ontario Charter

The Chiefs in Ontario affirm that the First Nations possess the inherent right of self-determination. This is the defining measure of nationhood. It is the responsibility of individual First Nation governments to exercise this jurisdiction through the passage of laws, development of program and other initiatives.

The Chiefs of Ontario shall support First Nations in the exercise of their inherent right.

The international Treaties entered into by First Nations shall be respected. This includes Treaties entered into before first contact with the European settlers, and Treaties entered into after first contact. The Treaties are the foundation of a harmonious relationship between First Nations and Canadian governments.

There is a sacred trust and fiduciary relationship between First Nations and the Crown in right of Canada.

Our Mission

The Chiefs of Ontario supports all First Nations in Ontario as they assert their sovereignty, jurisdiction, and their chosen expression of nationhood.

Our Vision

First Nations in Ontario are united towards self-sufficiency and vibrancy while never forgetting who we are; this unity is facilitated through the Chiefs of Ontario. We envision a future where our inherent laws, lands, and traditions are recognized and respected by governments, industry and the general public.


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